10 tips for goal setting for 2017

It’s that time of the year again to start with a clean slate. We all have different hopes and aspirations for the new year. Many of these in the form of resolutions. We all have made them in the past. Some of us with a better success rate than others. Some of the most popular are: getting in shape, making more money and spending more time with family. It’s great to have a goal, but why do so many fail when it comes to resolutions? When setting goals the real question to ask oneself is “why”? What are the real motivating factors? Are you getting in shape because you are at risk for a heart attack? Are you saving money to buy your first home?
Many that fail already have the excuses preloaded in their mind and as soon as things become a bit challenging. The word “but” becomes more prominent than the word “why”. We’ve all heard “I want to work out but I don’t have enough time.” This is the type of statement from the person who told everyone about their goal but did not have a real plan on how to obtain it. There are 10 basic tips that one should write down when setting a goal. If you draw out a plan and have a checklist to keep you accountable you drastically improve your odds. Benjamin Franklin said it best “If you fail to plan, plan to fail”
Here are some great articles and tips on goal setting and staying on track. Click on the link below for more information.
New Year's Resolutions and the consequences of failing
10 Tips to keep you resolutions on track
Good luck in all your endeavors this year and Have a Happy and Healthy 2016!
Call or chat with a friendly fitness expert today 1-888-566-4261
- Israel Colon